Can Fleas Actually Live in Human Hair?

Fleas typically prefer animals like cats and dogs for their hosts, but they can indeed live in human hair, though it’s not their ideal habitat. Fleas are attracted to warmth, movement, and the carbon dioxide we exhale, so they may jump onto humans if they are in close proximity to an infested pet or area.

If fleas do find their way into human hair, they can bite and feed on blood. However, they won't stay long-term since they thrive on animal fur and need the dense coat for shelter, warmth, and more frequent access to blood meals. Human hair is less conducive for flea survival because it’s typically sparser than animal fur, and the environment doesn’t provide the same level of protection and warmth.

While fleas may not establish long-term colonies in human hair, their bites can cause irritation, itching, and even potential allergic reactions. If you suspect fleas on your scalp or in your hair, it's best to wash thoroughly with flea-targeting shampoo and treat any pets or household areas that may be the source of the infestation.


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